Controls:   WASD + E,  and Arrows + Control/Option


  • Speed boost (blue) 
  • Slow other player (pink)
  • Static (green) 
  •  Hack (orange) 
  •  Bypass firewall (yellow)


In the arms race of cyberspace, it's hack or be-hacked!  Your goal is to break through your opponent's firewall, while they are trying to do the same to you!  This is represented by the flaming wall closing in on the loser!

Hack the firewall directly to change its direction, or hack together some powerups to bog down the other side!

The ingredients represent Pen-Testing, Social Engineering, DDOS attacks, Deploying bots into enemy system, etc, use them towards your end goals and break their system!

  • Gather ingredients
  • Craft recipes
  • Craft powerups


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